Be content with what you have, for God has said "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So say with confidence, "the Lord is my helper I will not be afraid." Hebrews 13:5-6

Thursday, October 23, 2008

loving life!

For some reason I feel like I should post only because it has been a while since I have posted, but the truth is life has been very steady recently, thank you God! The boys while keeping me quite busy are just melting my heart lately. Today I was at the Goodwill and I saw a beautiful little black baby doll and I had to get it. Even though we are still a ways a way from actually bringning our daughter home, I thought that at least I could introduce dolls into our house hold, it is the first one, and also one that will look like their sister. I was shocked at how sweet my oldest child was with doll. he wanted to hold it and played with it for quite a while. Now this may sound pretty normal but for Wyatt who has special needs we are just starting to see a little bit of imaginary play beginning. He was patting the doll on her bottom like I was when I was holding her and he was pushing her around in the "new" Maclaren stroller that I also got at the Goodwill for $15! Score! And I have to share my last bargain of the day just because I am so excited about it, I love a bargain.....I got our new daughters bedset, bumpers, quilt, dustruffle and cribsheet all a set made by Laura Ashley, brand new and just what I wanted for $9!!!!!! I was so excited I almost threw myself on it. It is so exciting getting ready, I am feeling more and more excited lately as I see my boys getting a little older and more mature and a little less scared of being a mom to 3 little ones. I have to tell one funny story that happened recently, I was walking up to the door with Owen and I had my hands full of groceries, I asked Owen "can you open the door I dont have any hands" Owen just gave me this concerned and questioning look and said "mommy no hands?" as he frantically went looking for my hands! It was very cute.

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