Hi everyone just wanted to let you all know that I did my first craft fair this last weekend. I sold my bows, with all of the money going towards Ruby! It was a tone of fun and neat to see people excited about something I made. I rasied about $140.oo at the craft fair but the cool thing is the amount of money (about $350.00) that I have raised through just friends and families and co-workers of Joe (Daphne!) Thank you so much to people who have purchased some on these, it touches my heart beyond measure (ooh good Jeremy Camp song...heheh) that so many of you have wanetd to support us in this journey. We are so excited for our future with our new daughter and we cant wait to share it with all of you. We have our fingerprints taken for immigration paperwork on friday and as soon as that comes backs cleared to our agency we will be getting onto the waiting list so maybe by the end of the month or so! It is cool to think that next Christmas we will have our new daughter, maybe even next 4th of July....ehhh, better start painting a room pink! Blessing to all.
Wow, look at your booth! HOW CUTE! I'm glad it went well! You are SO AMAZING! :)