Be content with what you have, for God has said "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So say with confidence, "the Lord is my helper I will not be afraid." Hebrews 13:5-6
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Officially freakin out!!!!!
Okay so we got our fingerprint clearence in the mail today and I immediatly called WACAP, our social worker said that she had also received these and that she was shocked becasue ours only took like 3 weeks and normally it takes like 2-3 months. SO.....long stroy short we are officially on the waiting list and our number is 4! She said that they have been reffering a lot of children out lately and that we shouldbe ready for a refferal on the low end of the wait times which is like 1-2 months!!!!! So that is the news we have today, we are short one document on the Dossier ( a small oversite on my part) and other than that we are pretty much done with our part and are just now in waiting mode. God bless to all!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Wonderful Chritmas
I have been wanting to post but I havnt had any pics yet and part of me hates posting without a pic but I just wanted to share my wonderful Christmas! Our hearts are full right now with the love of family and time shared together when we were a little nervous that we wouldn't be able to travel. Late on Tuesday we decided if we were going to make it down for Christmas to Salem/Portland than that was our opportunity so we headed out at 5pm and finally made it to Salem at 12:30 at night! It was a rough travel day but our boys were the best travelors any parents could ask for. Christmas was so much fun this year, the boys are at a great age and we just had so much fun watching them open presents. Owen does this very cute hyperventalating thing when he is unwrapping a present and realizes it is something he really wants, I believe that flapping hands and jumping up and down are involved as well. Wyatt was so sweet and was very content with the new books and trains that he got. It was like he would open one thing and then be totally distracted and into it that he didn't really want to unwrap anything else. Owen on the other hand loved the idea of helping brother unwrap! I never knew how fun it was until this year (they just weren't aware enough in past years) to get ready for Christmas for young children, they are in awe of everything like lights and decorations and presents of course! We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas also and that there weren't to many mishaps with the snow and ruining plans. God bless to all!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Craft fair success

Hi everyone just wanted to let you all know that I did my first craft fair this last weekend. I sold my bows, with all of the money going towards Ruby! It was a tone of fun and neat to see people excited about something I made. I rasied about $140.oo at the craft fair but the cool thing is the amount of money (about $350.00) that I have raised through just friends and families and co-workers of Joe (Daphne!) Thank you so much to people who have purchased some on these, it touches my heart beyond measure (ooh good Jeremy Camp song...heheh) that so many of you have wanetd to support us in this journey. We are so excited for our future with our new daughter and we cant wait to share it with all of you. We have our fingerprints taken for immigration paperwork on friday and as soon as that comes backs cleared to our agency we will be getting onto the waiting list so maybe by the end of the month or so! It is cool to think that next Christmas we will have our new daughter, maybe even next 4th of July....ehhh, better start painting a room pink! Blessing to all.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
How to say thank you?
So okay I didnt post a blog about the outcome of our car but I did end up telling our friends about it, the Buchanans. End result approx $3000 for a whole new transmission! after church as Owen was sleeping, Wyatt and I jumped on to the computer (Wyatt likes to watch Thomas the Train and Singing Times videos on Youtube) well after his turn mommy had her turn to check e-mail. Well what did I find but and e-mail explaining that these dear, dear friends of ours are sending us $2500 to help fix our car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you is just not enough. Joe and I just keep walking around the house and every few minutes stopping to say "can you believe this? or "God is just SO good!" As you know we are saving for our adoption and this potentially large stumbling block has just been lifted off of our backs, there are just no words within me to say what that means right now. It has strengthed our faith, as we have been praying very hard about how this was going to work out, we believe without a doubt that we were meant to get Ruby and we knew that God was going to take care of this! We just hope that when it is our turn to help that person in need that we will be so obedient to answer the call as this amazing family! Thank you from the bottom of our heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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