Okay now comes the stress.....I am trying not to do a lot of this but find myself constantly thinking oh my gosh how are we going to do this. We finally got our Homestudy approved and completed and we have officially been welcomed into the Ethiopian program at our agency. I knew it was going to be happening but I think I was in denial...but finally it did happen today, we got our first big bill! Through the denial though I knew that I had to start doing something to help off set this. So what I have decided to do for my own personal Ruby Fundraiser is to make little girl hairbows. It has been so much fun making these, I get to play with ribbon, which I love, and also being around pink and girly things is getting me excited to have another woman in the house amist the firetrucks, thomas the trains and cars. So I am sending this out to all of you, our friends and family. I thought that these could be a perfect gift for Christmas (or birthday)for little girls that you may know. I have A LOT of these in all color schemes, I also have christmas Korkers (the curly ones) bows. I have clippies in so many color combos I am sure that I have something that will be perfect. And also to let you know with the help of Jessica (thank you again) I have a stamp with our logo "Baby Bobbi Bows" and each bow or pair of clippies comes on a piece of cardstock that looks very professional so you can feel confident in giving it as a gift. Some of you may be wondering about the name baby bobby bows, we it comes from my Wyatt and Owen because that it how they say Baby Ruby, it really is very cute. So please e-mail me if you would like to purchase some of these, the clippies are $5.00/pair, the Korkers are $8.00/piece, the single bow (with the butterfly on it) is $4.00/piece and the bow sets are $6.00/piece. And if I am shipping maybe add like $1.00 or $2.00 to the total order. Honestly I have a LOT of different styles and colors so just let me know what you would like or if you are local I can stop by. Love to all and God bless
Congrats on getting through your homestudy and being accepted into the program! How exciting! I am praying for you. Maybe we can get together after the holidays? Blessings!